Ladyhawker - On Sabbatical

I am a Woman Falconer! Falconry is a part of my life and personality. In no way however should anyone construe my life and writings to be the example of all falconers. This blog is about my experiences, and it includes my personal life as well. For now, I am in school and cannot practice this sport, so there is not much falconry related stuff to write about. I will fly a bird again . . . Some Day!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

The End of One Chapter . . . The Beginning of Another

So much has changed since the last time I blogged. I have also decided that it is time for this blog to come to an end. I'm not giving up blogging . . . just closing out this chapter of my life, and with that, going to begin a new account and blog. When it is created, I'll link from here.

I was networking to get that all-important first job in Respiratory Therapy down in Texas, nearby where my parent's live. It is important to be close and of assistance to help move them from El Paso, into an elderly community near the Ft. Worth area. I have two living sisters. One lives with her family in Mansfield, south of Ft. Worth. The other sister lives with her family in Illinois, but hopes to return to Texas when her husband retires. So, having my parents re-locate in or around the Ft. Worth area would be the best decision. I made a list of all major hospitals in and around the metroplex, and started applying. My first interview came from a hospital called Hendrick Health Systems, in Abilene, TX. They offered the job to me during the interview. It is a 500-bed facility, a regional hospital, and from all that I am hearing, a very good place to learn!

So, I have been busy about the business of re-locating myself. It has been very detail involved, and EXPENSIVE!! I'm glad I had some savings . . . . because otherwise it would not have been possible. I was here about a month ago to try and arrange a place to live. I won't go into all the details, but my attempts did not work out. However, I did find a place here when I arrived that will do. It is a 3-bedroom for $575 a month. The neighborhood is not great, but not terrible either. There is a backyard, and my hawking facilities are already set up. Soon, very soon I will get all my equipment ready and get my license for Texas. However, first I need to start working.

I'm to begin on Tuesday . . . orientation. I'm eager to get started, and to start earning money to begin to pay off all the new bills I just acquired.

OK . . . this is a blog . . . so it is time to rant about something. The bureaucracy of major power companies SUCKS!! They have multiple companies around here to provide electricity, and by all accounts, they all take 3 days to get the power turned on. Stupid!! I have the weekend off completely but can't do much at my place because it is just TOO HOT to work beyond 9 in the AM. The gas is already on, and I know that took someone to come out to the house to turn it on. I could have had the water on as well, but since everything was getting turned on Monday, I told them just turn it on then. I feel pretty safe in thinking that no one will come out to the house to turn the electricity on . . . but that it is a remote thing, done with a computer somewhere. Oh, wait, maybe they will come read the meter. Still sucks!! I hope it is turned on early. I need to start washing things down. Everything is a bit dusty and dirty. I won't go into the nitty gritty details about the move and my new place . . . . suffice to say, I've hemorrhaged out a lot of money this last week. But I have my own place now!!

OK . . . and now for one Very Big THANK YOU!! To my very best friend, and "boyfriend" (yep . . . . you can definitely call him that), Thank You Rich for all of your help!! You made this move possible, and your love and support have made my fledging from my old life a joyous event. I am in Texas for a season, to get experience, and to help address some family business with my parents. However, it is my goal to return up North, and pursue a life with you. Knowing you care makes this alone-time bearable.

I'm excited by the challenges that Abilene will give me. I'm also looking forward to hawking this fall. My Sabbatical will come to an end! Of that . . . I am certain. However, I will begin a new blog for that new life. I've been driving around, exploring my new home, looking for hawking spots. I did find a really good one today. Even saw a wild desert fox as I was checking out the spot. This winter will be good! I've a job to do, goals (will be preparing to take my RRT) (get my parents moved) (get back to falconry) . . . and I have someone to return to! I am happy! And with that happiness I am putting behind me the last many years and all the various emotions I have experienced.

Many times, life comes in stages.

I am beginning a new stage!


  • At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello CS!
    Long time no contact! I am so proud of you and all that you have done for yourself the last year or so. I am very happy for you. I think of you eveytime I am in the garden and see the pretty bench you gave me. I hope we will be able to keep in touch and see each other again sometime. Wishing you the very best of luck in your new job and your move to TX. I hope your parents get settled into their new place too, they were so nice at the cookout. You take care and keep in touch.
    Your bird dweeb, ;)


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