Week-end Family Visitors
On the weekend of August 8 - 10 I hosted my sister and her two daughters at my home. This is the first time any of my family have come to see where I'm living since I sold my home. It was good to have them visit! They all enjoyed the bonus of the hot-tub!
On Saturday we wandered around La Crosse, showing them some of the sites. We went to the farmer's market where they bought some jewelry made out of silverware. We searched out a few of the Herons of La Crosse (of which I have found and photographed all of them!!) We visited the butterfly garden at Hixon, and ate lunch at Fazies. In the afternoon went up to Granddad Bluff. The girls wandered off with me to find a geocache, only to discover once we got there that it had been "muggled". We had pizza and movies that night.
The next day we got up and had breakfast at the co-op. Hackberries above the co-op has a wonderful Sunday morning brunch. We then went on a roadtrip. We travelled up through Winona and on to Waubasha. That little town has the International Eagle Center, where there are several education eagles on permanent display, and lots of educational materials and talks about eagles. I got a couple of pictures. They have a new resident, a Golden Eagle.
On our journey we also stopped by the Lark Toystore. All manner of toys can be purchased at this store, but they specialize in hand carved items. There is also a full-sized carousel inside the store, with animals that have been carved by the artists at Lark. I took pictures of some of the most interesting ones.
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