Ladyhawker - On Sabbatical

I am a Woman Falconer! Falconry is a part of my life and personality. In no way however should anyone construe my life and writings to be the example of all falconers. This blog is about my experiences, and it includes my personal life as well. For now, I am in school and cannot practice this sport, so there is not much falconry related stuff to write about. I will fly a bird again . . . Some Day!

Sunday, May 04, 2008


I had this weekend off, and decided to do another test run of camping. I'll be bringing my gear with me in a large duffle bag, to Oregon. It was raining on Friday, and Saturday dawned rather cool and wet, but the day improved, so I did not get a test run in the rain. However, the night was rather cold, and I made some adjustments, which I'll duplicate on my trip.

I took myself to Brunet Island, which is located where the Chippewa and Fisher Rivers conjoin. I had read that loon had been seen in the area, and that sealed the decision. Once there, I did hear one single loon, which sang it's loud call notes briefly, and then was done. No tremmalo, no other utterances the whole trip. Some geese came down into the pond at night, and made a morning fuss the next day.

I drove there, and it was a very pretty spring morning. I took the picture below on the journey back. Wisconsin is a very pretty place, with it's rolling farm fields. I'm just ready to explore some new place. I'm getting excited about next week!

I camped, I made a fire, I cooked my dinner, I was in bed right after dark. All the guys in the camp site a few sites down, apparently on a fishing weekend away from their women, drank and made noise late into the night. I ignored them. In the morning I rose, and stirred up my fire to heat some water, and just enjoyed the cold morning with the geese. I've often had people express alarm for my safety when I camp. I believe all the campgrounds I have been to thus far to be very safe. People respect your privacy, yet, if you needed any help, a shout would bring help from all around. These are very family-oriented places! Hopefully i'll find conditions in Oregon to be similar!

Just one more week left of school, and I'm off on my vacation. Let's go!!


  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Quiet Bird said…

    This is MUCH better!!! Looking ahead in your life! I LOVE it! I think camping is just fine and honesty, very safe. I hope and wish for you all the best on your trip to Oregon and hope that you find what your looking for there. PEACE of heart and soul and mind and body. Don't let song lyrics direct your life - write your own! When you come back, I want to hear the top ten hit that you wrote while you are away!!! :-)
    Lots of Love - Darla

  • At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beautiful pictures! The flowers are so neat and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. These pictures are a reflection of God and his creative artistry.


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