Ladyhawker - On Sabbatical

I am a Woman Falconer! Falconry is a part of my life and personality. In no way however should anyone construe my life and writings to be the example of all falconers. This blog is about my experiences, and it includes my personal life as well. For now, I am in school and cannot practice this sport, so there is not much falconry related stuff to write about. I will fly a bird again . . . Some Day!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Deepest Sympathy!!!!

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to my friend, Sharon. This week through a most unfortunate situation she lost her beautiful goshawk, Stains. I know you are mourning deeply this loss, my friend! I'm sending you White Light!

Sometimes, it is easy for us to forget that these exquisite creatures we are so very privileged to work with and fly are terribly fragile. It is hard for us to recognize this sometimes, as we hunt them, and they are murder on wings to so many creatures. Yet, all too simply they can be damaged, and no amount of our care, our concern, our terribly careful housing and husbandry will do one whit of good. I deeply trust Sharon's ability to care for a raptor (among other animals . . . as she is a veterinarian). She is a falconer to her core, bringing her birds to perfect feather through the molt, and seeing them through sickness, and flying them to top form. Unfortunately though she has had her share of misfortunes.

If I could be there my friend, I would be! No words can console! This I know, having lost two of my own birds. Cry the tears. Love her and miss her!

Never forget the opportunity, the time, and the hunts you shared!

(You can visit her page at the following link. There is a picture of Stains there):


  • At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for your words and your light, my friend. I am very slowly dealing with the loss, but it is still very difficult to bear. I need to catch up on your blog and update my own, as soon as I am able to concentrate long enough.



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