Ladyhawker - On Sabbatical

I am a Woman Falconer! Falconry is a part of my life and personality. In no way however should anyone construe my life and writings to be the example of all falconers. This blog is about my experiences, and it includes my personal life as well. For now, I am in school and cannot practice this sport, so there is not much falconry related stuff to write about. I will fly a bird again . . . Some Day!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

End of a Season

Today is Easter! For awhile, things had started to warm up. The snow all melted, and buds were beginning to show. Some of my perennials in the garden are already breaking from the earth. However, this last week, and for about another week, maybe more, it returned to very cold temperatures. I decided I would try one last time to hunt Nina. It being Easter, I thought we'd try for that famous bunny.

I flew her at the patch in Oakdale. But for all our efforts today, we came up empty-handed. I know she had at least one good slip, and possibly two others. But this patch is very thick in some places, and many of the bushes are already greening up a little. So after no success, I called her to the lure and took a few final pictures to close out the 2006/2007 hunt season. Unless the cold really does continue, I don't anticipate we'll hunt again now until next fall. Many of my friends have already ended their seasons. Some birds have been returned to the wild.

It has been my best year so far! But there is much room for improvement! Now, for the most part, I'll be turning my attention to other aspects of my life. But I may still come here and add the occasional thought or picture.

Thank you to all who visit here!


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